
8 Sage's Message

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PheonixLight's avatar

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The sun was just beginning to rise when Will and Robert decided to stop for a rest. Robert reached into his bag and took out a folded cloth; he unwrapped it to reveal bread and some pork slices. Handing half to Will, he jammed the rest into his mouth.

Will glanced at him in slight distaste. "It's called enjoying the food," she commented. "What you're doing is gross."

"Ima' boy," he said, his mouth still full of bread and pork, "This is what men do."

Will rolled her eyes and handed her portion back to Robert. "Eat it, you disgusting pig."

"I'm not disgusting!" said Robert, jamming the rest of the food into his mouth. He paused half-chew, looking guilty. "Wait, what are you gonna eat?"

Will shrugged, walking over to one of the bushes growing by the side of the road. Picking a few berries, she held them up to him. "These." She popped a few of the berries into her mouth.

Robert rolled his eyes and mumbled something about rabbit food. They continued walking again.

"You know," said Will, popping more berries into her mouth, "With you growing up on a farm and everything, I thought you would know more about edible plants and stuff."

"Well, guess what?" Robert said rebelliously, picking the berries out of Will's hand, "These berries aren't edible. You mistook them for Juniper Berries, but in fact, these are Yew Berries. I suggest you go behind that bush over there and get these out of your system." He smiled matter-of-factly as Will paled and dashed behind the bush he had indicated. There was the sound of someone being violently sick before Will emerged, looking thoroughly worn out. She spat on the ground.

"You could' told me that BEFORE I ate them," she complained.

He laughed. "Who's so smart now?" Will punched him in the arm. "OW!" he yelled, "That HURT!"

"Baby," she replied, regaining some of her energy. They picked up the pace a bit, reaching a small shaded clearing.

"Gods above," Robert whispered, "Look."

A lone silver wolf stood proudly on the other side of the clearing. At a glance, it was just an ordinary creature, but if you looked closer, its pulsating purple eyes stood out against its misty fur. Opening its mouth, the wolf revealed sharply pointed canines.

"Willow Ebonsblood, Robert Martin…come forth," it said, in a familiar feminine voice. Will took a step back.

"It's the ghost," she whispered, "The ghost that came to me in my dreams." She began to walk forward warily, Robert following with one hand resting casually on the hilt of his sword.

"What's it doing here?" Robert whispered back to Will.

The wolf seemed to hear, because she let out a small giggle of laughter that didn't seem quite right coming from a wolf.  "Calm, my children," it said, "I am Sage, the spirit who spoke to you when you were in the dream world. I have come to explain your mission." She held out a giant paw. Robert bent down in front of the paw, clasping it in his hand. "Kiss the paw, young Martin." Robert lowered his lips and brushed them against the silver paw.

At once, his vision blanked. It was as if he had fallen asleep. Will watched in horror and fascination as Robert stood. He began to chant something as a misty screen appeared in front of him. Images began to flicker across the mist as the wolf spoke. Sage watched the images for a moment in silent approval, then turned to Will and explained, "Memories, long forgotten, which may help elaborate on what I am about to tell you."

"Many years ago," said Sage, "A young girl inherited her brother's throne. She was seventeen, and really didn't know how to run a country that was at war. You do recall the Great War, I presume?"

Will nodded, remembering her lessons about the long war. Eighty three years ago, a young King named Demitrius ruled the land of Tapenzebur. During the Autumn Harvest Fesitval-- an annual celebration that marked the end of the year's harvest-- while King Demitrius delivered the congratulatory speech in honor of the farmers and laborers who had worked so hard to bring in the crops, an assassin managed to make his way past the guards to the terrace where the King stood to give his speech to the crowded courtyard below. The assassin was able to shoot the young King before the Guards could stop him. He was caught while trying to flee, and it was later discovered that the assassin came from another country by the name of Avalon, in the hopes of sowing enough chaos to seize control of Tapenzebur. Soon after, Tapenzebur declared war on Avalon in order to avenge their murdered King. Demetrius's younger sister took the throne. In her lessons, Will had never learned the name of the Queen who had taken the throne after her brother's death.

Sage continued, "Well, the queen ruled from a city that used to be known as La'De'Avarna. Today, however, you may know the city as the Circle Of Sage--named after the queen, whose name has otherwise been wiped from history.

"Now, she was young, and had many admirers. The only one she ever loved, however, was the captain of the guards: a young man named Ranar.

"When La'De'Avarna fell, she gave all her power to him, naming him the next ruler of Tapenzebur. In order to protect her country and her people, Sage named Ranar King, and as a final request, ordered him to leave the city with the people. From the heart of the city, she took the main source of power--an amber pendant that held a phenomenal amount of power. She used it to seal the city from the attacking forces, but it cost her her life. She died." The giant wolf lowered her head in sadness. "You'll find the pendent somewhere in De'La'Rux, perhaps in the castle."

"Why there?" Will asked, "Shouldn't the pendant be in the Circle, or… Gods above, you're Sage?!"


Will blinked a few times. "Somehow, I should have seen that coming," she said.

Sage laughed. "Perhaps. Regardless, you will find the pendent in the castle somewhere. Good luck!" The wolf began to fade away, dissolving into a cloud of purple mist.

"WAIT!" Will shouted, leaping towards the slightly visible wolf in the cloud, "You never answered my question! Why is the pendent in the capital?!"

"Good luck, Miss Ebonsblood," echoed the voice. The cloud vanished, and Sage was gone.


Will turned towards the voice. The mist and the images had vanished with the wolf, and Robert was on the ground, rubbing his head with a confused expression on his face. She rushed over to him, pulling out her canteen.

"You alright?" she asked, propping up his head on her knee. Robert gulped at the water she offered him.

"I feel like a was kicked by a horse," he grumbled. "Many, many times… And then fell off a roof."

"Horses on a roof… nice." Robert grumbled in response, but Will smiled and pulled Robert to his feet. "Come on, Robert. Let's get to De'La'Rux."
chapters will now be in every saturday, since i cant seem to get them in before that....
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HippieLlama's avatar
Another I already edited. But still!!:iconanimefaceplz:

Advice: ADD MORE DESCRIPTION!!:evillaugh: From the first paragraph, I wanted a little more detail.
My brain went like this... Ex. Robert is eating pork slices --> what kind of pork slices? Dried, jerky? --> wait, how are they packed? Like, just in a cloth? Isn't meat all soggy and crap? --> if it's jerky, it could be in a cloth, but otherwise it'd have to be dried or wrapped in a sealant of some sort...

While this is good, details are always a good way to drag things out and add some length while also snagging the reader with both your impressive knowledge and artist vision.

Other than that... teh wins.:la: